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Owers Road, Witham, Essex, CM8 1FR
Telephone number: 01376 512201
Fax number: 01376 502415
Headteacher: Mr Ceri Jones
  • What out of school hours provision does the school provide?

    Wide awake club and Super supper club.

Wide awake club

The Wide Awake Club is organised by Chipping Hill Primary School. It is an extended school activity designed to allow children to be in school from 7.30am onwards; to have the opportunity to have a choice of food and drink for a healthy start to the day; and to join in the activities on offer.

Super supper club

The Super Supper Club is also organised by Chipping Hill Primary School. It is an extended school activity designed to allow children to be in school from the end of the school day until 6pm; a light bite tea is provided as well as a range of activities and games.

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