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Owers Road, Witham, Essex, CM8 1FR
Telephone number: 01376 512201
Fax number: 01376 502415
Headteacher: Mr Ceri Jones

Holiday challenges

Over the holidays you may find yourselves looking to do something different. Try one of our challenges. They will help you prepare for September, develop your problem solving skills and are a lot of fun.

Engaging and practical curriculum activities

Dear Chipping Hillers,

the attached activities are designed to give meaning to your learning and vary what we are asking you to do. It is important that you are not always working from books or sheets and have the opportunity to apply your knowledge through practical activities. I have asked the teachers to design ways that you can learn through doing and to bring curriculum areas to life. Try them as you wish. If you are finding the learning packs difficult put them aside for a while and try one of these. Perhaps ask older brothers or sisters, mums or dads to get involved.

Mr Jones

Examples of learning outcomes

Dear parents, below are examples of outcomes that children in each year group are capable of. The examples are pitched around the average attainment for the class. The rationale of sharing these is that there may be some children who are not producing the quality of work at home that they would in school. Please understand that children learn at different levels and as such may be working above or below the examples. All we ask is that they try their best and complete their work to the standard they do at school. 

Storytime and online reading

Dear parents, below are examples of outcomes that children in each year group are capable of. The examples are pitched around the average attainment for the class. The rationale of sharing these is that there may be some children who are not producing the quality of work at home that they would in school. We understand this is a challenging time but we want to instil in them a desire to do well. This is a tool to support you and them. Please understand that children learn at different levels and as such may be working above or below the examples. All we ask is that they try their best and complete their work to the standard they do at school. More than anything if they become agitated or anxious please allow them to have a break. 

Something to make you smile!

Dear children,

in order to provide you with some light entertainment the staff have provided you with a dance/song routine each week. As you will see we may not be the best dancers but like all Chipping Hillers we give it a go. The staff have not had dance training - unlike myself who spent three years learning clog dancing under the Dutch choreographer Dr Hertz VanRental.


Mr Jones

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